Neuroinclusive Practice™

Become the catalyst for a more supportive people-friendly work environment

Right Resources helping organisations become more; 'accessible', 'people friendly' and productive workplaces.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

​About this programme

​As organizations emerge from this global pandemic, there is the opportunity for line managers, supervisors and HR professionals to become the catalyst for a more supportive people-friendly work environment – one where each individual member of staff feels supported, valued and able to maximise their potential.

Neuroinclusive Practice™ (NiP) is a training & accreditation programme for those who want to gain a greater understanding of neurodivergent ‘conditions’ including: Dyslexia, Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Dyscalculia, Autism Spectrum Condition/Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASC/ASD), Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and ADHD, to feel empowered to utilise this in their day to day practice along with gaining globally recognised professional qualification indicating their understanding of neurodiversity within the context of the workplace. 


The Neuroinclusive Practice training & accreditation programme was designed & developed following temporal research undertaken during 2014 - 2016 related to the provision of effective support for individuals with dyslexia & other neurodivergent 'conditions'. 

It is one element of a triad of accredited training programmes designed to support a thriving and productive neurodiverse workforce.  The others are Dyslexia Champions and Workplace Neurodiversity Champions – Level 2 (Neurodiversity - Pathways to Support) and Neurodiversity Aware® – Level 4(Supporting a Neurodiverse Workforce). 

The research was documented in a paper entitled: Workplace Dyslexia & Specific Learning Difficulties―Productivity, Engagement and Well-Being. (Beetham, Okhai, 2017).

Who is this training for?

The programme has been designed for Line Managers, Supervisors, Diversity & Inclusion Professionals, Human Resources professionals, those working within Learning and Development, Union Representatives .....and anyone  keen to augment their practice and ensure they are being neuroinclusive. 

It is anticipated that by doing this training you will feel more able to take an active role in optimising neurodivergent potential and bringing about a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

On successful submission of their individual assignment ‘learners’  receive a certificate for their OCN qualification at Level 3,  certification for Neuroinclusive Practice™  and their e.badge logo for use on their email signature. 

To find out dates of our upcoming programmes please do contact us.

Helping organisations understand neurodiversity and optimise the skills of each and every member of the workforce.

If you're looking for qualified, experienced neurodiversity - focused services... and accredited training.

About the training and accreditation

We use blended learning and the training starts with two full-day workshops ('online' and 'live') – ensuring a solid foundation is in place. There then follows; 4 compulsory online/webinar modules which are scheduled for weeks 2 - 5 of the programme – each of approximately one-hour duration.  (We use an online learning platform for communication throughout the programme and this is the main conduit for delivery, after the two initial workshop days). 

There are two one-hour group mentoring sessions scheduled during the self-study period of the programme plus each person has the option of a 30 minute individual mentoring session in the final week of the programme ahead of workbook submission...because we are keen you feel supported throughout the training programme with us.

“Our training programmes are accredited by OCN Credit4Learning, an independent Accrediting Body established since the 1980’s. OCN Credit4Learning are further certificated by UKAS (The United Kingdom Accreditation Service) as a means to ensure all of their management quality processes and procedures are consistently maintained to the highest level.”