​Dyslexia Champions

Right Resources helping organisations become more; 'accessible', 'people friendly' and productive workplaces.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

The DYSLEXIA CHAMPIONS training & accreditation programme is an initiative which has been designed to help organisations support neurodivergent individuals within the workplace - and by doing so they will be more likely to tap into the strengths many of these individuals are known to have. 

The value and potential benefits of this initiative were acknowledged by the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (ENEI) - with Right Resources Limited being shortlisted in the 'Neurodiversity' category of the 2019 ENEI Awards.  

Accredited Dyslexia Champions are qualified & impartial volunteers who have completed their training equipping them to be able to listen to their colleagues 'stories' & challenges and provide them with much needed foundation information and 'hints & tips' as well as signposting them to professional support. (With this information they can then decide whether to seek professional support....or not).  With this volunteer resource within workplaces it helps reduce fear of disclosure - which commonly stops people from seeking specialist workplace related support if / when they need it.  

The programme, which was developed by Janette Beetham - Senior Consultant to the British Dyslexia Association, was originally piloted at Imperial College London in January 2017 with excellent feedback on the training, which confirmed not only its value for neuro-divergent work colleagues but also that it contains modules which are Continuous Professional Development (CPD) essentials for everyone, such as wellbeing & mental health and active listening skills.

The training programme, which covers 7 neurodivergent 'conditions', comprises of two full-day workshops plus 2 online/webinar modules - with an assignment/workbook which leads to an OCN (Open College Network) Level 2 qualification. (There are also two 30 minute online mentoring sessions for each delegate during the short self-study element of the programme).

You can choose from either the 'open' programme (where you will work with like-minded people from a cross-section of organisations) or employing organisations  can  have the workshop elements delivered 'in-house' which enables colleagues to work together and share scenarios from their own work environment etc. 

  • Thought provoking and eye opening.

  • Exceeded my expectations and provided me with a lot of new information.

  • Positive & energising.

  • The programme has been really great!  It has given me confidence to talk about my processing differences and hopefully others will do so too.

  • Very engaging, interesting & informative.

  • It has increased my knowledge in the area and opened my eyes to simple changes that can make a big difference.

  • Very positive but also quite emotional.

  • I struggle to say what was the most useful part of the training as I found everything important

Words From Our Clients

Here are some more comments from those who have completed the programme and are now Accredited Dyslexia Champions

Janette Beetham

This was a fantastic course. It was really well structured and paced. The resources were excellent, in particular the on-line content was really useful. I learnt a huge amount and found the course insightful and relevant, both for my role as an educator and manager. I am an incredibly busy person and I think this course was very good use of my time
— Sara Rankin, ​Professor of Leukocyte and Stem Cell Biology, Imperial College London.

Steven Cousins Accredited Dyslexia Champion HD

Information & Pricing

For information on having the programme delivered within your organisation for your team or network please contact us and we can arrange a phone call to discuss your requirements and answer any questions you may have.

Now delivered online ... using blended learning, with interaction and mentoring sessions to support you during the self study.

For an informal chat about the programme to explore whether this might be of interest to you please make contact us using our online form. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

Cost per delegate
(inclusive of OCN registration)

£650.00 + VAT

Helping organisations understand neurodiversity and optimise the skills of each and every member of the workforce.

If you're looking for qualified, experienced neurodiversity - focused services... and accredited training.

​The Role of an Accredited Dyslexia Champion

Graduates of the DYSLEXIA CHAMPIONS™ training & accreditation programme are employees who contribute towards a ‘dyslexia/neuro-divergence friendly’ workplace culture.

  • An Accredited Dyslexia Champion is an ‘approachable & knowledgeable colleague’.

  • They have a positive influence on their colleagues and work environment.

  • They continue to gain knowledge around the area of interest - dyslexia and associated ‘processing differences’ (dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADD & ADHD) with continuous professional development (CPD) .

  • These individuals appreciate the need for positive well-being - for colleagues and for themselves.

  • They work with heart – and they are approachable, knowledgeable and impartial.

  • They guide colleagues towards a recognised process of support.

  • They provide an essential, safe 'gateway' for those who may have concerns about seeking support. 

  • They are equipped and able to answer questions from individuals and line managers.

  • They can provide important initial dyslexia 'first aid' for those who are feeling overwhelmed and unsure  whether they should mention their challenges.

Through a course of study these individuals have acquired an understanding of neuro-divergent 'conditions' and the comorbidity (co-existence) of these.  They appreciate the potential challenges faced by those who have little understanding of their own processing differences and/or no appropriate,tailored strategies or tools in place.  During their studies they have enhanced their active listening skills and have an understanding of the potential impact dyslexia and other neuro-divergent 'conditions on well-being and mental health.   

Their accredited status is acquired through the completion of an Open College Network (OCN) Level 2 workbook assignment (accompanied by mentoring) which leads to a qualification. Plus there is an opportunity for ongoing CPD which ensures they keep up to date and are able to continue to provide a quality service to those who approach them for guidance.

Please note: These individuals have undertaken this course of study to guide their fellow workers or students, family and friends.  This is not a public service.  

​The Dyslexia Champions Charter


For there to be a culture within all organisations which fully embraces the concept of neurodiversity and provides appropriate support for neurodivergent individuals. For people to feel safe and comfortable talking about any challenges they may have with their tasks, to be able to find out about what support is available to them and to feel empowered to make informed decisions about whether to seek support … or not.




Treating everyone with respect.

Take responsibility for own actions.

Work within our own level of competence and refer to specialist advice when necessary.

Use accessible ‘dyslexia/neurodivergence-friendly’ practices in communications.

Acknowledge the need to keep up-to-date and maintain currency of knowledge.


To be knowledgeable, approachable & impartial volunteer ‘sign-posters’ who, following their course of study, are ‘qualified to guide’ neurodivergent colleagues towards a recognised process of support. To help raise awareness, in the wider organisation, of the benefits of becoming ‘dyslexia/neurodivergence-aware’. Helping avoid potential discrimination & bullying and thereby increasing the likelihood that neurodivergent colleagues will be able to utilise their strengths and realize their potential - thus enhancing their workplace wellbeing and reducing risks to their mental health.

What an Accredited Dyslexia Champion should do and how

  • Provide an essential, safe 'gateway' for those who may have concerns about seeking support for dyslexia and associated ‘processing differences’. 

  • They work with heart – and they are approachable, knowledgeable and impartial.

  • They guide friends & colleagues towards a recognised process of support.

  • They can provide important initial 'first aid' strategies for those who are feeling overwhelmed and unsure whether they should mention their challenges.

  • They appreciate the need for positive well-being both for colleagues and for themselves.

  • They are volunteers who are equipped with foundation knowledge in the area of neurodivergent conditions to enable them to answer questions from individuals and line managers (as non-specialists).

  • They agree to continue to gain knowledge around the area of interest - dyslexia and associated neurodivergent conditions.

  • They know to ask Right Resources Limited or the British Dyslexia Association for guidance and advice beyond their own level of competence.

NB.  This is a voluntary role which these individuals deliver ‘in good faith’. Following their training they do not speak on behalf of either Right Resources Limited or their employing organisation.