Information for Individuals

Right Resources helping organisations become more; 'accessible', 'people friendly' and productive workplaces.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

Struggling with work tasks and don't know where to turn?

Many adults who are struggling with work tasks may be unaware this could be associated with  'neurodivergent conditions' such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia/developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD), Autism and/or ADHD).  For example... many adults may be completely unaware they have dyslexia​  - because their main challenges may not be associated with reading or writing. 

These 'literate dyslexics' are likely to start to experience challenges when they go through some kind of change - such as a promotion, a change of line manager, new job, a change of location or a change in work processes.  The types of challenges are likely to be things like; difficulties with organisation, time management, structuring written communication, effective engagement in meetings....and more. 
Change can also be a 'trigger' for those with other neurodivergent conditions to almost suddenly not being able to cope as well as they have done previously. 

Those organisations which provide neurodiversity-related support to their employees (and therefore are following what would be anticipated when viewing the Equality Act 2010) are likely to have a recognised process in place for their neurodivergent employees to follow.  (The organisation's process of support may be accessing support via a preferred private provider or signposting employees to the Access to Work Scheme).

Any process of support for potential neurodivergent conditions/conditions would be likely to include;  screening and a Workplace Needs Assessment followed by recommendations for adjustments such as assistive technology & other 'tools' and specialist coping strategy coaching.  These are workplace adjustments (commonly referred to as 'reasonable adjustments') which someone qualified to deliver Workplace Needs Assessment documents in a Workplace Needs Assessment Report because they believe  these could help the individual cope more effectively with their work tasks.

We fully understand it can be difficult to know which way to turn especially as being neurodivergent can be stressful and stressful situations can make the challenges worse still and this is especially so for those who have not had access to appropriate tailored workplace support. However it can be useful to speak with someone not linked to the employing organisation - this may be a friend or family member but not everyone is able to do this.  Should you feel you would like to speak with someone independent please do contact us and we will be happy to arrange a quick call.